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A member registered Oct 29, 2020

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(1 edit)

Hi anuke,i want to ask some  questions ,About mindustry v6 logic processors and maps

In the unit locate menu, i coded my flares to attack unit modifiers, but They attack enemy cores

In the unit bind menu

i controlled 1 quad to attack units, and another quad to go to a certain place, but i only controlled 1 quad, can u possibly make that processors can bind units for example : quad1, quad2,And unit bind = @flare, amount = 1

Because i have some issues about my team controlling units, 1 person controlled all of the megas, and i cant control even 1 of the mega.

About v5 map

Pvp v5 map : battleship, since v111, mechs cant mine in 1 spot, and in this battleship map, there are 2 copper and lead ores, players are really having a bad time getting copper and lead

This is base on my experience, hopefully you will answer my question